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Lesson Note

Subject: Agricultural science

Topic: Floriculture

Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

  1. Define the term floriculture,
  2. State the classification of common flowering plants,
  3. State the importance of ornamental plants
  4. Identify the tools used in floriculture and landscaping.

Lesson Discussions



The term Floriculture can be defined as a branch of horticulture concerned with the cultivation of flowering plants. It deals with flower culture and arrangements especially in beautifying the environment using planted flowers, potted plants and creation of lawns. Horticulture is an area of agriculture concerned with growing of flowers (floriculture), growing of edible fruits (pomology), production of vegetables (olericulture) and the laying out of gardens in imitation of natural scenery or environment (land scaping)

Classification Of Common Flowering Plants

Plants may be classified on the basis of life span and of their morphology.

Classification Based On Life Span

  1. Annuals: These grow, develop and die within a year example is petunia.
  2. Biennial: These grow vegetatively in their first year and then flower and die in the second year. Examples evening primrose, hollyhock etc.
  3. Perennials: These grow from year to year. Example Hibiscus

Classification Based On Morphology

  1. Lawn Grass: Blue grass, Bermuda grass.
  2. Vines: Virginia creeper, Chinese wisteria e.t.c.
  3. Shrubs: Lilac,croton, hibiscus, oleander, Ixora, acalypha etc.
  4. Trees: Queen palm, Gmelina, flamboyant etc.

Note: The shrubs are usually the hedge plants while the trees and some vines serve as shade plants.

Importance Of Ornamental Trees, Shrubs And Flowers

  1. Privacy: They provide some source of shelter and privacy from the crowding and tension of an urban world.
  2. Comfort: Trees, shrubs and flowers can filter bright sunlight and absorb its heat. They absorb street noise and even capture pollutants from the air while refreshing it with oxygen. These make for a home comfort.
  3. Protection: The trees and shrubs act as a wind break by sheltering the home from strong wind or rain bearing wind
  4. Beautification: Good planning makes a combination of plants forms, colours and texture of leaves, grass, paths and lawns to create interesting contrast thereby making the environment beautiful. The ornamental flowers used in interior decoration also improve the aesthetics of the homes and relate the home environment to nature.
  5. Cooling Effect: They have a cooking effect on the internal and external environments of the house and without them the environment looks sterile. They create pleasant and functional environment.
  6. In abstract terms, flowers provide universal peace and love.
  7. The plants conserve and protect soils, and prevent threats of erosion on public and private buildings.
  8. Raising of ornamentals provides means of livelihood to the floriculturists by keeping them gainfully employed.

Tools Used In Floriculture And Landscaping

The tools commonly used in flower cultivation and landscaping including the following:

  1. Polybags, earthen or plastic pots.
  2. Matchets
  3. Spade
  4. Garden folk
  5. Hand folk
  6. Hand trowel
  7. Shears
  8. Secateurs
  9. Measuring tape
  10. Rope
  11. Hoes
  12. Rakes
  13. Pick axe
  14. Ranging pole
  15. File
  16. Pruning saw
  17. Wheel barrow (head pan)
  18. Watering can.

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Take a quick test for this lesson

  1. Define the term floriculture.
  2. State the classification of common flowering plants.
  3. State the importance of ornamental plants.
  4. Identify the tools used in floriculture and landscaping.

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