This scheme of work contains week, topic /content activity which are necessary for lesson planning.

1 Reading comprehension
Reading for main gist. Read the passage carefully, identify points and their inter relationship with each other.
Answer questions an the passage.
Structure Prefixes as word extension making for new meaning e.g ‘un’ ‘nus’ ‘il’ ‘in’ ‘im’ etc healthy – unhealthy, belief – unbelief
spell – misspell understand – misunderstand etc
Explain how prefixes can generate new word and meanings from basic root words. Use prefixes to create antonyms and draw
up a list of words to give antonyms of the words using prefixes.

Vocabulary development
Words associated with environment: Meaning,
environmental problem e.g; environmental pollution, pest
control, bush burning, disposal of refuse, sewage system,
smoking, drainages, environmental degradation etc.
Explain meaning of environment, mention types
of environmental problems, list the importance of a clean environment and write the environmental problems.
2. Speech

Listening to poetry forcomprehension/pleasure e.g
1. Type dirge, epic, lyric
Read the poems while students listen. Discuss content of the poem, identify different types of poetry.

2. language {a} concise
{b} unique {c} high,
identify the different types of language of poetry, compose a poem of their own.
Vocabulary Development
Words associated with building with building and building
construction {meaning of building, types of words associated with building e.g foundation, walls, land, documents etc.
Define meaning of building,mention types of building, list
words associated with building and explain their meanings, use these words in sentences, engage students in spelling drills in
words associated with building.
Structure Preservative prefixes e.g. ‘re’ as in, work – rework
Examine – reexamine, Affirm – reaffirm, Elect – reelect,bForm – reform etc.
Explains the meaning of preserve, pronounce the words formed from the suffix,discuss the use of these words and use the words in sentences
Continuous writing
Free writing: (1) A short write –up such as a story, poem, play
on anything of interest or a personal experience
(2) Short stories dealing with daily events
(3) features of short stories, plays, poems with attention to
literacy devices: rhythm, simile, metaphor etc.
3 Speech Listening comprehension: listening to summarise
speeches, lectures and note making
Listen attentively, identify the main point, write down key point or main points from the speech or lecture .
Structure Figures of speech e.g: Simile, metaphor, personification, hyper-bole, etc
Explains figures of speech, mention figures of speech and explain them with numerous examples, use them in sentences.

Reading comprehension
Reading for specific structural pattern (selected Pages from the main textbook or magazine on topics such as;gender issues, deregulation,religious and ethnic conflicts, human right issues, youth unemployment and restivenss)Read passage carefully, discuss the issues in the passage, identify main ideas in the
passage, identify the major phrase style and answer questions
on the passage.

Continuous writing
Speech writing: An address given on a prize given day.
Features of a speech

Opening greetings
General introduction
The main body Conclusion
Discuss the features of a speech, discuss model speeches and write a well composed address on a prize given day. Teachers
should make available sample of speeches presented on a prize
given day.
4 Speech Oral: argument/debate: debates
on the following topics:
Capitalism is better than communism
We need health education and inspectors not doctors
University education should be compulsory
Students should listen attentively to their class mates during
debate. Students should be selected based in the following:
Grammatical structures and choice of words/vocabulary
Correctness of pronunciation including word stress pattern and
Fluency students must be encouraged to be observe all these
Structure Suffixes e.g –able, age, arian, cide, ify etc
for all Explain the meaning of suffixes, identify suffixes for
creation of relevant words, from basic root words, list words with
suffixes and explain their meaning. Make use of these words in
Vocabulary development
Words associated with law and order e.g. order in court, legal
actions, police turture, judge, defence lawyer, etc.
Explain laws and order, list/mention wordsbassociated with law and order and explain their meanings. Use the words in sentences.
Continuous writing
Argumentative essay:
Present a view point
Prove a point (argue for or against a particular view point)
Conclude the presentation.
Military rule is better than civilian rule
Should female circumcision be abolished or other topics

Explain argumentative essay. Discuss any argumentative essay,
bringing out the validity of their view point in a logical way.
Discuss the features of argumentative essay, opening vocatives,
introduction, main body, conclusion and also adequate source
of information
Summary writing
Reading to pick out topic sentences in paragraphs and longer sentences
Read the passage carefully, discuss the main ideas in the passage, identify the topic sentences in the paragraphs of the passage and re-write them using their own words.
5. Speech Words stress (monosyllabic and polysyllabic words)
Explain word stress.
Identify monosyllabic words and polysyllabic words.
Give example of words and pronounce the words correctly.
Vocabulary development
Words associated withmedicine, diagnoses, hospital,
Explain meaning of medicine, list/mention nurses, doctors, clinics, treatment, etc
words associated with medicine and explain their meanings. Use
these words in sentences.
Structure Verb forms (participation) active and passive forms of verb
Identify the subject and the predicate in a sentence, change
active sentences to passive and vice versa. Construct more
sentences in the active and passive form
Reading comprehension
Reading for specific structural pattern: passage on scientific
report or medicine Read the passage carefully, discuss the
main ideas in the passage explain meaning of key words
, answer questions on the passage. Explain and discuss the
format for writing a report, identify main and supporting ideas
Introduction; date of the experiment, Purpose, outcome and results of the experiment.
Conclusion, write a report arranging ideas in a logical order
6 Speech Words of five syllables stressed in the first, second, third and forth syllables e.g.
Identify words of five syllables, recognize and articulate
correctly stress timing in sentences and modulate their voice.
Students should be encouraged to use their dictionaries look up stress placement in long words. Curve more examples of their own correctly.
Structure Adjectives: (i) types of adjectives (ii) order of adjectives
Explain what an adjective is. List and mention the different types of adjectives. Explain the order of adjectives. Use theadjectives in a sentence.
Reading comprehension
Reading to para-phrase poems and dramatic works.
Drama; (a) theme (b) features Costume
Props Performance
Play director
Read the dramatic work
carefully, discuss the content of the dramatic work, identify the different types of drama, identify the language features, discuss the story effectively and answer questions onthe passage.
Vocabulary development
Words associated with government e.g. democracy, electoral commission, legislative, executives, etc.
Explain the meaning of government, list/mention words associated with government and explain their meanings. Use the
words correctly in sentences.
7 Speech Words with six syllables stressed on the fifth syllable e.g
Identify words with six syllables, recognize and pronounce the
words correctly indicating the stressed syllable.
Give more examples of their own and use the words in sentences correctly.

indicating the stressed syllable.
Give more examples of their own and use the words in
sentences correctly.

Structure Adverbs (comparison) and functions e.g. much, more,
Explain what an adverb is, give examples of adverb of comparison, explain their functions and use them in sentences.
Summary writing
Reading to summarize a given passage
Read the passage carefully, identify main points in the passage,
summarise the passage in a given number of sentences.
Continuous writing
Semi – formal letters: (1) features (2) language
Explain what a semi- formal letter is.
Explain the features of a semi-formal letter, discuss the language of semi- formal letters, discuss model semi-formal letter and write a well composed semi –formal letter.

The teacher should discuss WAEC and NECO past questions
8 Speech Intonation pattern: expressing surprise/disbelief (exclamation)
example: (Ade is a witch)
reality?! (Musa is a millionaire)
you must be joking! (Rechard is a spy). I don’t believe it (Ibrahim is dead) is he?
Act out a dialogue simi- to the examples given
Vocabulary development
Words associated with traveling e.g. car park, air port, journey,
adventure, etc
Explain travelling. List and mention words associated with
travelling and explain their meanings. Use the words correctly in

The teacher should also engage the students in spelling drills on
words associated with travelling.
Reading comprehension
Reading to para-phrase a poem
(1) types: e.g. dirge, epic, lyric etc. (2) language; concise, unique and high
Read the poem carefully, discuss the content of the selected poem,
identify the different types of poetry, identify the language of the selected poem and answer questions on the passage using their own words
Summary writing
Reading to summarize an argumentative passage
Read passage carefully, identify the main point
raised and the line of argument, discuss.
The issues raised in the given passage and summarize the
passage in a given number of sentences
9 Speech Rising tune. E.g.
Will you come home tonight?
Can David do this, for me
Help me with this, please
Do this for me, will you?
Point out where there should be a rise in tone in a sentence, provide enough exercise in drills and encourage vocal class participation
Structure Sequence of tense Explain tenses and sequence of tenses.
Give examples in sentences correctly.
Take note of the existing rules with
regards to sequence of tenses
Reading to answer questions Read a prose passages
that identify different sentence structure that reflect intonation pattern. Discuss the passage, identify main points and answer questions on the passage.
Continuous writing
Informal letters (1) features (2) language
Explain what an informal letter is. Explain the features of an informal letter, discuss the language of informal letter, discuss past questions (WAEC and NECO) as many as possible. Read a model informal letter and discuss it. Write a well composed informal letter.
10 Speech Intonation pattern (falling tone:
statement and other types of surfaces) e.g.
There will be a match at the National Stadium tomorrow
There will be a class quiz tomorrow evening
Where are you going?
Point out to the students where there should be a fall in tone in a
sentence and provide enough exercise in drills and encourage
vocal class participation.
Structure Phrasal verbs with more than one particles e.g. cut down on, get away with, stay away from, etc
Explain what phrase verbs are.

Identify them in sentences, give examples and explain their meaning. Use the phrasal verbs in sentences.
Vocabulary development
Words related to sports
Names of major national games e.g. handball, netball, polio, cricket, football, etc.
Words for sporting activities:
List different kinds of games played in the country, read
passages in sports from national dailies or other articles, listen tournament, can test, championship, round, head bont etc.
Venues of sports: stadium, arena, tennis court,boxing ring, football field, race course, track lane etc.
Sports official: umpire, coach, referee etc
Games result: losers, winning side, state mate, championship etc
Performance: an exciting match, an uphill task, hat trick, terrible
performance, brilliant performance etc to a live broad cast of
a major national football match or other tournament at home, make a list of descriptive match used by the sports commentator, explain meaning of words related to sports and use them in
sentences correctly
11 General revision
12 Examination/closing

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